Sam has been going through a lot lately, so this happy day was just awesome for us. His favorite part of our trip to the beautiful Fort Worth Botanical Gardens was the huge pecan tree that was here when Fort Worth was founded. The roots are huge and gnarley! The best part for Sam was that the tree had hallow portions that were big enough for even me to go inside. He didn't understand why I didn't think that it was a great idea to go hang out with the possible wild beasties and other assorted creepy crawlies! He loves these pictures and wants to go back to see the tree!
On another note, a very special little gal, Belle Wiseman, has been going through so rough times too. I'll let her explain them to you. Please visit Kirsty's Site . I have been following Belle's challenges in life for quite a while. She has such an awesome attitude and zest for life. I feel like she truly deserves a chance for a better quality of life. Her mom and dad are fighting so hard for her. If you can help out, I know they would appreciate it!